You’re single because you’re single. It’s not because you texted too much or too little or waited 33 minutes to respond because he took 23. It’s not because you met up with your ex that night at 5 a.m. that no one knows about, or because you kissed another boy after a date with a loser.
You’re not single because you spit food on that date or tripped coming out the the movie theatre. You’re not single because you hurt your first boyfriend really badly when you were 15 or because you have yet, to this day, to apologize. It’s not because you were secretly jealous when your friend got a boyfriend or that a guy you dated for two months now has a really cute girlfriend and looks really happy. And you’re happy for him. But still ill that he found someone before you.
You’re not single because you slept with your ex boyfriend. You’re not single because half the world found out when you didn’t even want to remember it yourself. You’re not single because you think the guy your friend wants to hook you up with is ugly or not tall enough. It’s not because you’re not willing to put up with someone who doesn’t brush their teeth on a regular basis.
You’re not single because your standards are too high. Good for you for having standards. It’s not because you didn’t like that really, really good guy who wanted to take you on a date and you just weren’t feeling it. And it’s not because you like to wear pajama pants as soon as you get home and wash all the makeup off your face. You’re not single because you didn’t learn enough from the past or would rather chill on a Friday night with your blanket and a cold beer than shower, get ready, and go out. You’re not single because something is wrong with you.
You are single because you are single. It’s really as simple as that. You haven’t made the connection with another heart yet. You can get dolled up, dress cute, cut your hair, dye your hair, tweeze your eyebrows, put on lipstick and you may still. be. single. You can go out to a bar hoping to meet the love of your life and not find a damn one in the place attractive. And it’s going to remain that way until it’s time for you to find one. Stop hoping for it. Start living the life that you do have instead of wishing for things that you don’t have. There will come a time you’ll meet a boy and you’ll have to give up some of this single freedom you currently have. Start being more thankful. Start doing that now.

sucks you know? missing someone i know i dont get to meet everyday. i miss you, adam helmi. 

do you know what it’s like to be in love with someone you can’t see everyday?

Its one of the worst feelings ever. That one person that makes you the happiest, listens to you when you need someone to vent to, and someone that acts silly with you. But you can’t see them because they live so far away. He is the only person I trust and the only person I wish I could see everyday.

ups and downs - life

People come in and out of peoples lives all the time. You have to learn to let go, let things and people go and wait to see who ends up in your life in the end. I am going to stop rushing things and stop trying to make everything so perfect. I may be unhappy at some point, and really alone, but I’m just gonna let things that are supposed to happen, happen. Right now I wish I could change decisions I’ve made. But I can’t. There’s no reason to worry about the past and right and wrongs that you’ve done. I am going to work on not judging people, because I know that I hate the feeling of being judged. I’ve only got one life to live and I’m gonna live it.